6:30-7:45 PM
September through May
Your child will love these exciting clubs! Children earn badges/merits, develop skills, learn the Bible, build confidence, make good friends, and have fun!
Rainbows Club is for boys and girls ages 3 to 5-year-old. Noah’s Ark provides an exciting theme for the Bible stories, crafts, full-color activity pages, and games for this preschool club. Rainbows earn colorful animal badges as they complete requirements for the achievement program.
Mpact Girls Clubs are for girls in grades kindergarten through 8th. Mpact Girls Clubs is a program for winning girls to Jesus Christ through love and acceptance. Mpact Girls Clubs provide an environment of support and accountability while helping girls to develop their gifts and abilities. In addition, girls build lifelong relationships with mentors who encourage them to be spiritual leaders. We are offering three Mpact Girls Clubs: Prims, Stars, and Friends at Carlinville First. Go to NGM.AG.ORG for more information.
Prims is for girls in kindergarten, first, and second grades. The Discovery Box stores lesson-related objects to be displayed during lesson time to make learning even more fun. Prims earn colorful badges depicting these club characters as they complete requirements for the achievement program.
Stars is for girls in third, fourth, and fifth grades. Girls make their way up the Stairway of the Stars achievement program as they complete units in the four worlds: The World of Truth (basic Christian doctrine), The World Around You (missions), The World About You (activities), and The World Within You (character development). Memorization, projects, and Bible reading are all a part of completing the achievement program as an Honor Star.
Friends is for girls in sixth, seventh, and eighth grades. Friends Club provides discussion-oriented lessons to continue the Titus 2 principle of women mentoring young girls. Topics of study include the sanctity of life, accountability, commitment to Christ, life-controlling problems, purity, and choices.
Royal Rangers is for boys in grades kindergarten through 12th. The Royal Rangers program is an activity-based, small group church ministry for boys and young men. Our mission is to evangelize, equip and empower the next generation of Christ-like men and lifelong servant leaders. In Royal Rangers a guy journeys through adventures that challenge and transform him into the man he was created to be. We are offering three Royal Ranger Clubs: Ranger Kids, Discovery Rangers, and Adventure Rangers at Carlinville First. Go to ROYALRANGERS.COM for more information.
The Ranger Kids Advancement Trail is based on the needs, interests and characteristics of boys in kindergarten, first grade, and second grade. The Trail is a plan of advancement through learning—from both experiences and activities—and being recognized for their learning. It is designed to offer every boy adventure and fun. The Trail is more than an interesting course of action; it is a new experience—a new achievement. It is a Ranger's opportunity to grow through new abilities, knowledge, and desires.
Discovery Rangers is for boys in third, fourth, and fifth grades. Being a Discovery Ranger will give a boy many chances to do new things. He will learn new skills like camping, building models, giving first aid, and cooking while learning about God and His Word. Royal Rangers will give him the chance to be rewarded for finishing merits and steps on the Advancement Trail.
Adventure Rangers is for boys in sixth, seventh, and eighth grades. Every great challenge a young man accepts helps to build his character, increase his determination to achieve, and improve his ability to set goals and fulfill them. The Adventure Rangers Advancement Trail offers such a challenge in the Trail to the Adventure Gold Award.
If you wish to have your child join a club, please complete the following steps:
Our Sunday 10:00 am meetings typically open with both contemporary and traditional songs. When the people of God gather in worship, God is active. Together we passionately exalt and glorify God with singing, music, prayer, the reading of God’s Word, creative arts, and communion. Then in this atmosphere of united worship, the Holy Spirit communicates the manifest presence of God. The Holy Spirit also uses us in the orderly exercise of spiritual gifts. Our church is one big family that is multi-cultural and multi-generational. Each generation and every stage of life belongs and is valued. Because life-change happens best in the context of authentic friendships, all are welcomed and loved at our church family. Sunday meetings also include Biblical and practical messages that are encouraging, challenging and hope-filled.
Carlinville First
18772 Route 4
Carlinville, IL 62626